Project Timeline

Baseline environmental surveys

This will be a productive wind farm due to the exceptional wind resource on site, highlighted by the number of other wind farm developments in the surrounding area, and capable of producing clean, green, renewable electricity and making a valuable contribution to Scotland’s ambitious renewable energy targets. The extensive environmental surveys and design work undertaken to date have shown the potential for the Site to host an onshore wind development of this scale. It is acknowledged that both the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and design processes are iterative in nature and that the current layout of the proposal is likely to evolve during these.

The resultant proposal will balance the environmental and technical constraints, whilst still producing an economically viable project.


In September 2020, Grayside WF submitted a Scoping Request to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for a wind farm proposal of 27 turbines at the Site, in order to establish the required environmental information to be provided in the EIA Report. During this stage, consultees such as South Lanarkshire Council, SEPA, RSPB, NatureScot and HES provided their comments on the proposal, and set out the scope of works required for the EIA Report.

Continued Survey Works, Design Evolution and Preparation of EIA Report

Continued survey work has since been undertaken, in order to build a thorough understanding of the Site. A wealth of data and information has also been collected. The findings from this work, together with feedback from key consultees and the local community, has been considered during the design development process and is reported in the EIA Report which forms part of our planning application.

Follow surveys, extensive design work was undertaken to optimise the balance between the site performance and environmental effects. This process identified measures to eliminate, avoid, reduce and / or mitigate any potentially significant effects where possible.

Whilst the design of the development was evolving, work was ongoing with regards to the ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’, otherwise known as the ‘EIA’. The EIA is a series of assessments of the potential environmental effects of a project, undertaken by specialist environmental and technical consultants. The full EIA Report can be seen on this website.

Submission of Section 36 Application to Scottish Government

The application to build and operate the development was submitted to the ECU in March 2022, known as a Section 36 application. There will then be a period of consultation where members of the public will have the right to make representation to the Scottish Ministers on the development proposal.

Determination of Section 36 Planning Application to Scottish Government

The Scottish Government will review the application, taking into account views of stakeholders including South Lanarkshire Council and Scottish Borders Council which will inform their decision on the application.  This determination period can range from 12 to 18 months.

Grid Connection Application

The consent for the grid connection will be sought from the relevant owner/operator of the local transmission network,. The Network Operator will be responsible for the consenting (via a separate “Section 37” application), construction, operation, and maintenance of the grid connection.

From early-stage discussions, it is likely that the connection will tie into a new substation near Redshaw, located west of the site.